
  • Step 1: Click on Sites.
  • Step 2: Click on New, a new button will be added.
  • Step 3: Enter the relevant information concerning the site.
  1. Site: Enter the Site Code.
  2. Description: Enter the Site Description.
  3. Ticket No.Prefix: to be used for that site.
  4. E-Mail: Enter an e-mail address.
  5. Minutes/Day: Enter the number of minutes per day.
  6. Minutes/Saturday: Enter the number of minutes on Saturday.
  7. Min. between 2 scans: Enter the number of minutes between two scans (normally 60 minutes).
  8. Employee Efficiency %: Enter the Employee efficiency.
  9. Selling Price per min: Enter the selling price per minute if known.

NB: To start creating sections for that site, click anywhere in the second part of the screen.

  • Step 4: Click on New, a new button will be added.
  • Step 5: Enter the relevant information concerning each section.
  1. Section: Enter the section code.
  2. Description: Enter the section description.
  3. Seq: Enter the order of the section.
  4. Check Point 01: Enter an operation that will be considered as a check point 01.
  5. Check Point 02: Enter a second operation to be considered as check point 02.
  6. Daily Target: Enter the daily target number of pieces for the section.
  7. Initial WIP: Enter the initial work in progress for that section.
  8. Cost Per Min: Enter the cost per minute for normal hours.
  9. Cost Per Min OT: Enter the cost per minute for overtime hours.
  10. Target WIP in Minutes: Enter the target WIP in minutes.

NB: Repeat the same procedure in the second screen for all the sections in your company for that particular site.

  • Step 6: Click on Save button to save your entries.

NB: If there is more than one site in the company, click in the first screen then repeat same procedures as from Step 2 above.

Personal Tools