New Year Procedure

Step 1

The payroll database for the new year is created automatically with the December payroll final calculation.

However, a new year procedure message is prompted only for payroll having clock card/attendance module, after closing the last day of the December period, before carrying out the final run. The screen below shows the message:

Step 2:

The next message that may be prompted is as shown in the screen below (for year 2015):

Step 3:

Step 4:

The screen below shows the New Year Procedure wizard and gives an example of Year 2015 creation: an example of Input of Start/End dates has been illustrated

Things to consider before clicking on START NEW YEAR PROCEDURE button:


  • 1 Use default month’s Start/End dates option will automatically create the new year’s payroll periods from 1st to 30th or 31st, depending on the number of days in the month.
  • 2 Use fixed Start/End dates option will allow you to insert a fixed Start/End date which will be applicable for all payroll periods.
  • 3 Input Start/End dates allows you to insert different Start/End/Pay dates if you have variable pay periods.

After choosing one of the above options, click on Start New Year Procedure button.

Step 5:

The next step consists in updating the Calendar weeks/Fortnights. Click on the below link or choose “Update Calendar” section on the main page Procedure Guide option.

Update Calendar

Error Message

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