Wages Relativity Adjustment

To verify the New PD Code which has been automatically created by Sicorax Payroll for the Wages Relativity Adjustment :

Step 1: Go to Parameters

Step 2: Click Payments Deductions

Step 3: Click Filter on the toolbar

Step 4 :Fields choose Description

Step 5 :Operator choose LIKE

Step 6 :Value type Wages Relativity

Step 7 :Click Apply

Step 8 :The new pd code is displayed Use the new pdcode in your Excel import file in column PDCODE

To retrieve Employees Salaries since December 2023

Use our Statistics module to retrieve employee salaries for December 2023 and the months of 2024 (January-August) to compare, export to Excel, and work out the differences.

Step 1: Click Start Statistics

Step 2: Insert Username

Step 3: Insert Password

Step 4: Click Apply

Payroll Analysis:

Step 1: Go to Payroll Analysis

Step 2: Click Monthly Detailed

Step 3: Choose the criteria as illustrated below

Step 4: Click Result

Step 5: To export the data to Excel click Export

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