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Salary Increase Import

Salary increase amounts can also be manually imported onto Sicorax Payroll from an excel template as shown in the below screen.

Salary Increase Excel format

If company increase is to be differentiated from government increase, you should use a different payment code (other than code 120). Otherwise, code 120 can be used for the sum of government and company increase.

NB: The file should be saved in Excel 97-2003 (.xls) format.

If it is the first time that you are importing from Excel, you should contact Uniconsults help desk to configure the import. If the import is already configured, make sure that the Excel file name, the sheet name and the column names are as per the import definition (refer to Import/Export → Import definition option). Then follow the steps below:

* Step 1: Click on the Imports/Exports option from the menu

* Step 2: Click on Import option

* Step 3: Select the import of Salary increase by double clicking on it

* Step 4: Browse for the Excel file

* Step 5: Click on the import button found in the toolbar

After the import, verify if the number of salary increase transactions found in Employee transactions screen tallies with the Excel file number of rows.

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