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Fiscal Returns

Before printing your financial returns you must verify your company information, payments/deductions parameters and finally check your payroll historic figures using the statistics module.

The following steps will help you in the verification:

  • Step 1: Go to Fiscal Procedures
  • Step 2: Click Fiscal Procedures icon
  • Step 3: Click Verify Company Data icon and complete the verification, then go back to Step 2.
  • Repeat step 3 above to verify each of the following sections: Payments & Deductions, Verify Statistics SE group, and Statistics Payroll Historic

Verify Company Data

To verify your company data proceed as follows:

  • Step 1: Go to Company
  • Step 2: Click Company icon
  • Step 3: Insert the necessary information

Verify Payment and Deductions

To verify Tax and SOE attributions of each payment and deduction proceed as follows:

  • Step 1: Go to Parameters
  • Step 2: Click Payments Deductions
  • Step 3: Choose the respective attribution

Verify Statistics SE (Statement of Emoluments) Group

The below screen allows you to refresh the pay items groupings as per the SOE headings, which will be used afterwards in the Statistics module to verify the historic data

To refresh the pay items groupings proceed as follows:

  • Step 1: Go to Parameters
  • Step 2: Click Stats module P/D groups
  • Step 3: Click SE button
  • Step 4: Generate the SE groups (SE04, SE06, SE08, SE12, SE16, SE20, SE24, SE28, SE32) by clicking the Generate button

  • Step 5: Click OK button to confirm

  • Step 6: Click OK button for Process completed successfully

Statistics Payroll historic - Monthly detailed (to verify figures of the Statement of Emoluments)

Using the Statistics module, the following steps will help you verify the figures of the Statement of Emoluments. By inserting the following criteria you will be able to analyse your payroll data from Jul-2019 to Jun-2020.

  • Step 1: Go to Payroll History
  • Step 2: Go to Monthly Detailed
  • Step 3: Choose the following:
  • Year choose 2020 from the drop-down list
  • Month choose 6 from the drop-down list
  • Company choose 01 from the drop-down list
  • Payment and deduction choose SE04, SE06, SE08, SE12, SE16, SE20, SE24, SE28, SE32 Groups from the drop-down list
  • Step 4: In the Summary By section, activate Employee
  • Step 5: In the Display Options section activate Last 12 months
  • Step 6: Click Result

The amount in the total column should be equal to the SOE figures.

For further checking activate the Break down pay/ded group option to verify which payments/deductions are included in the SE groups.

  • Step 6: In the Display Options section activate _Breakdown pay/ded group__

The following illustrates the result of the breakdown of the SE groups

Statement of Emoluments

The format of the Statement of Emoluments and Tax Deduction given to employees is as per the Income Tax (Amendment) Regulations 2006. Employers are required to give details of fringe benefits made available to employees and also to state the nature and amount of payments made to the employees and which have been treated as exempt income.

The Statement of Emoluments and Tax Deduction must be given in duplicate by an employer to his employee not later than 15 August in the year of assessment.

Please note that the Statement of Emoluments and Tax Deduction will probably hold more than one (1) page (A4 format), depending on the amount of details to specify.

Use the steps below to print the Statement of Emoluments:

  • Step 1: Go to Fiscal Procedures
  • Step 2: Click Fiscal Procedures icon
  • Step 3: Go to Step 4 and click Print statement of emoluments icon

Once you have clicked the Print statement of emoluments icon, two reports will be listed, namely Statement of Emoluments and Summary also known as the PAYE Summary returns:

To print the Statement of Emoluments use the following steps:

  • Step 1: Double-click Statement of Emoluments from the tree view and insert the following criteria:
  • Step 2: Choose Fiscal year 2020
  • Step 3: Choose Company code from the drop-down list
  • Step 4: Choose Options 0 to print for all employees; 1 for active employees only; 2 for leavers only
  • Step 5: Insert value of Signatory Name
  • Step 6: Insert value of Acting Capacity
  • Step 7: Insert value of Statement Date criteria
  • Step 8: Optional criteria: No Signature Message is used print a no signature message automatically on the SOE hence, no manual signature is required. To do so insert the message in the value field e.g This is a computer generated document and requires no signature.
  • Step 9: Optional criteria : Confidentiality warning message allows to print a confidential notice automatically on the SOE, to do so insert the confidential notice in the value field e.g This document is confidential.
  • Step 10: Optional criteria : Signature file is used to print the scanned signature automatically on the SOE. To do so

Write your signature on a piece of paper, the signature must be within an area of 4 inch width x 1 inch height, Scan the paper, Save the file in bmp of jpg format, Browse the file location

  • Step 11: Click Preview on the toolbar

The following illustrates a Statement of Emoluments:

Summary report (PAYE Summary Returns)

The Summary report is used to verify the monthly PAYE figures for the fiscal year. The figures should tally with the Monthly PAYE paid by period.

Use the following steps to print the summary report:

  • Step 1: Double-click Summary from the tree view
  • Step 2: Choose Fiscal year 2020
  • Step 3: Choose Company code from the drop-down list
  • Step 4: Choose Options 0 to print for all employees; 1 for active employees only; 2 for leavers only
  • Step 5: Insert value of Signatory Name
  • Step 6: Insert value of Acting Capacity
  • Step 7: Insert value of Statement Date criteria
  • Step 8: Optional criteria: No Signature Message is used print a no signature message automatically on the SOE hence, no manual signature is required. To do so insert the message in the value field e.g This is a computer generated document and requires no signature.
  • Step 9: Optional criteria : Confidentiality warning message allows to print a confidential notice automatically on the SOE, to do so insert the confidential notice in the value field e.g This document is confidential.
  • Step 10: Optional criteria : Signature file is used to print the scanned signature automatically on the SOE. To do so

Write your signature on a piece of paper, the signature must be within an area of 4 inch width x 1 inch height, Scan the paper, Save the file in bmp of jpg format, Browse the file location

  • Step 11: Click Preview on the toolbar

The following illustrates the Summary report:

MNS/MRA Exports (Return of Employees)

Step 4 also allows export of Return of employees. Refer to the link below and follow the steps

MNS / MRA Exports

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