Updating the New MCB Transfer

Please ensure that:

1) the mode of payment in the Employees master file is set to Bank mode for employees who are paid through bank and;

2) your payroll version is at least 8.14.38 before proceeding with below steps and you have a MCB Customer ID for performing New Bulk Payment Version 1.1. For more information about applying and installing updates, check out Updates section

The next step below:

The screen should look like below:

The next step consists in changing the Transfer type of all banks to MCB Transfer and in changing the Inter Bank accounts for MCB record to the ones specified as per the new MCB format document.

The last step is now to export the new file.

Important Note: (1) If a specific date must be specified for the transfer, then add a criteria (Day to Credit Account) and insert the date of transfer. Example : Day to credit account = 26

Sample of text file for Bulk Payment

Sample of Bulk Payment File