Table of Contents

Prerequisites for Monthly MRA PRGF Return

How to prevent exporting a non-Mauritian citizen worker or a migrant worker to the Monthly MRA PRGF Return

It is compulsory to update the below before performing temporary payroll calculation of the month.

Monthly MRA PRGF Return

Before exporting the Monthly MRA PRGF Return from Sicorax Payroll, it is compulsory to update the below before performing temporary payroll calculation of the month.

List of possible values given by the MRA for Reason no remuneration and commission paid for the month:

Update Reason no remuneration and commission paid for the month

To update the reason, follow the steps below.

List of possible values given by the MRA for Reason no remuneration and commission paid for the month:

(Note: You must choose the Reason no remuneration and commission paid for the month for employees who are Temporarily Deactivated for the month)

To export the Monthly MRA PRGF Return after final run, use the steps below.

Step 1: Go to Monthly Tasks

Step 2: Click XML Exports icon

Step 3: Double-click Monthly MRA PRGF Return as per above illustration

Step 4: Insert the following criteria:

Step 5: Click Export button from the toolbar

A sample of the csv file is shown below: