=====Bank Standing Orders===== Bank Standing Orders option allows the manual transfer of payroll to the bank. Note that only closed pay periods can be previewed. {{:spay:procguide:menubankso.jpg|}} * Step 1: Click on Menu Monthly Tasks > Monthly Reports * Step 2: Click on icon Bank Standing Orders The criteria screen must be filled (these are mandatory fields): **Year, Start Period, Company, Transfer Type** {{:spay:procguide:criteriabankstandorder1.jpg|}} * Step 3: Double click on the report (The arrow points to the right) * Step 4: Input your required criteria as specified above * Step 5: The operator ”=” appears automatically * Step 6: Click on the magnifier button and choose your respective values for each line of criteria * Step 7: Click on the Preview button to display the report. Click on below links to view samples. {{skb:link.png}}[[:spay:procguide:monthlytask_mthreports:bank_stand_ho|List to Bank Head Office]] {{skb:link.png}}[[:spay:procguide:monthlytask_mthreports:bank_stand_branch|List to Branches]] {{skb:link.png}}[[:spay:procguide:monthlytask_mthreports:bank_stand_cover|Covering Letter]] {{skb:link.png}}[[:spay:procguide:monthlytask_mthreports:bank_stand_control|Control List]] {{skb:link.png}}[[:spay:procguide:monthlytask_mthreports:bank_stand_listmcb|List to MCB]] =====Coinage Analysis===== =====Other Payments===== Other Payments report displays a complete net pay report, irrespective of the payment mode. This report is often used when employees have been paid by cheque or cash. {{:spay:procguide:menuothpayments.jpg|}} * Step 1: Click on Menu Monthly Tasks > Monthly Reports * Step 2: Click on icon Other Payments Mandatory fields are ** Year, Start Period, End Period and Company.** Optional fields is **Mode of Payment** {{:spay:procguide:criteriaothpay.jpg|}} * Step 3: Double click on the report (The arrow points to the right) * Step 4: Input your required criteria as specified above * Step 5: The operator ”=” appears automatically * Step 6: Click on the magnifier button and choose your respective values for each line of criteria * Step 7: Click on the Preview button to display the report. Click on below links to view samples. {{skb:link.png}}[[:spay:procguide:monthlytask_mthreports:otherpayment|Other Payment Report Sample]] =====Overtime Analysis===== =====End Of Year Bonus===== =====T.E.W.F Report===== =====My Reports===== This option enables the preview/print of reports created by the user through the Reports Generator. {{:spay:procguide:menumyreport.jpg|}} * Step 1: Click on Menu Monthly Tasks > Monthly Reports * Step 2: Click on icon My Reports Mandatory fields are **Year, Start Period, End Period and Company.** {{:spay:procguide:criteriamyreport.jpg|}} * Step 3: Double click on the report name (The arrow points to the right) * Step 4: Input your required criteria as specified above * Step 5: The operator ”=” appears automatically * Step 6: Click on the magnifier button and choose your respective values for each line of criteria * Step 7: Click on the Preview button to display the report. Click on below link to view sample. {{skb:link.png}}[[:spay:procguide:monthlytask_mthreports:myreport|My Report Sample]] =====XML Reports===== XML Reports are special reports which are more detailed and which can be tailor-made on demand. Such reports can work with closed pay-periods as well as current opened periods. The criteria to be filled depend on the report itself, sometimes with no mandatory fields except for company. {{:spay:procguide:xmlreportcriteria.jpg|}} {{skb:link.png}}[[:spay:procguide:monthlytask_mthreports:xmlreport|XML Report Sample]] =====Local Provision===== =====Sick Provision===== =====Cost Analysis=====