===== Statement of Emoluments ===== **The details of the Statement of Emoluments might be displayed on more than one (1) page (A4 format), depending on the content.** Use the steps below to print the Statement of Emoluments: * Step 1: Go to Fiscal Procedures * Step 2: Click Fiscal Procedures icon * Step 3: Go to Step 4 and click **Print statement of emoluments** icon {{:spay:procguide:fiscalproc_2018_step4_soe.png|}} Once you have clicked the Print statement of emoluments icon, two reports will be listed, namely **Statement of Emoluments** and **Summary** also known as the PAYE Summary returns: To print the Statement of Emoluments use the following steps: * Step 1: Double-click Statement of Emoluments from the tree view and insert the following criteria: * Step 2: Choose **Fiscal year** 2023 * Step 3: Choose **Company code** from the drop-down list * Step 4: Choose **Options** 0 to print for all employees; 1 for active employees only; 2 for leavers only * Step 5: Insert value of **Signatory Name** * Step 6: Insert value of **Acting Capacity** * Step 7: Insert value of **Statement Date criteria** * Step 8: Optional criteria: **No Signature Message** is used print a no signature message automatically on the SOE hence, no manual signature is required. To do so insert the message in the value field e.g //This is a computer generated document and requires no signature//. * Step 9: Optional criteria : **Confidentiality warning message** allows to print a confidential notice automatically on the SOE, to do so insert the confidential notice in the value field e.g //This document is confidential//. * Step 10: Optional criteria : **Signature file** is used to print the scanned signature automatically on the SOE. To do so **Write your signature on a piece of paper, the signature must be within an area of 4 inch width x 1 inch height, Scan the paper, Save the file in bmp of jpg format, Browse the file location** * Step 11: Click Preview on the toolbar {{:spay:procguide:spaysoe2023_criteria.jpg|}} The following illustrates a Statement of Emoluments: {{:spay:procguide:spaysoe2022-2023.jpg|}}