====== Prerequisites for MRA PRGF Past Services Return ====== Before exporting the MRA PRGF Past Services Return from Sicorax HRMS Payroll, it is compulsory to update the Past Services PRGF Amount in Payment & Deductions before performing payroll calculation of the month, using the pdcode which has been automatically created by Sicorax HRMS Payroll. * Past Services PRGF Contribution Amount __(As per MRA, this is the amount of contribution to the PRGF made on behalf of the employee)__ ===== Update Past Services PRGF Contribution Amount for the month ===== Follow the steps below. {{:spay:hrmsprocguide:hrmspastservicespdmenu1.png|}} * Step 1: Go to Payroll/Monthly Tasks * Step 2: Click Payments Deductions {{:spay:hrmsprocguide:hrmsemployeepdpastservicesamount.png|}} * Step 3: Record the Past Services PRGF Contribution Amount * Step 4: Click Save * You may proceed with your monthly tasks and perform payroll calculation ====== MRA PRGF Past Services Return ====== To export the Monthly MRA PRGF Past Services Return after payroll closure of the month, use the steps below. Step 1: Go to Payroll/Monthly Procedures Step 2: Click MRA PRGF Past Services Return {{:spay:hrmsprocguide:hrmspastservicesreturncriteria1.png|}} Step 3: Insert the criteria as per the above illustration: * **Year/Period** * **Pay Year**: Select calendar year from the list * **Pay Period**: Select month from the list * **Company**: Select company from the list * **Export Parameters**: * **Telephone No**: Insert number, it should be equal to 7 numeric characters * **Mobile No**: Insert number, it should start with the figure 5 and should consist of 8 numbers; * **Name of Declarant**: Insert the name, it should bear UPPER CASE letters and/or numeric characters (max 50 characters) * **Email**: Insert the contact email address of the company Step 5: Click Export button * **Browse your download folder and you may save the file to another location** A sample of the csv file is shown below: {{:spay:procguide:spaymonthlymraprgfpastservicesexcelcsv.png|}} {{:spay:procguide:spaymonthlymraprgfpastservicesexcel.png|}}