====== Age Group Repartition ====== * Age Group Repartition: Representation of age groups {{:shrm:procguide:socialaudit:staffmovement:staffmovement.jpg|}} * The Age Group Repartition bar chart illustrates the number male and female employees by age group * Click on the Age Group Repartition button {{:shrm:procguide:socialaudit:staffmovement:agegrouprepartitionbyage.jpg|}} * It represents the age group repartion by age * Click on the company's name to drilldown {{:shrm:procguide:socialaudit:staffmovement:agegrouprepartitionbygender.jpg|}} * It represents the age group repartion by gender * Hints: * Age Group: refer to {{skb:link.png}}[[:shrm:Procguide:socialaudit:socialauditparameters:leavesabsencesage|Leaves - Absences - Age]]