====== % of Employees with 100% Presence ====== * % of Employees with 100% Presence: Presence Analysis (Employees who have not been on any leave categorised as Absences) {{:shrm:procguide:socialaudit:absenteeism:absenteeism.jpg|}} * Click on % of Employees with 100% Presence button {{:shrm:procguide:socialaudit:absenteeism:yearlypresencebynumber.jpg|}} It illustrates the percentage of employees who have been present during the 3 years. * Click on the company's name to drilldown {{:shrm:procguide:socialaudit:absenteeism:yearlypresencebyheadcount.jpg|}} It shows the yearly percentage of presence based on the head count * Hints: * 100% Presence criteria: refer to {{skb:link.png}}[[:shrm:Procguide:socialaudit:socialauditparameters:leavesabsencesage|Leaves - Absences - Age]] * 100% Presence: From Date > = 01/01/2006, To Date < = 31/12/2006, Leaves NOT IN 100% Presence criteria, Approved = True, Casual Employees = False