====== Local Leaves Taken ====== * Local Leaves Taken: Yearly comparison of local leaves taken {{:shrm:procguide:socialaudit:absenteeism:absenteeism.jpg|}} * A click on % Local Leaves Taken button illustrates the percentage of local leaves taken within the past 3 years {{:shrm:procguide:socialaudit:absenteeism:yearlylocalleavestaken.jpg|}} * Click on the company' name to drilldown {{:shrm:procguide:socialaudit:absenteeism:yearlylocalleavestakenentitlement.jpg|}} It shows a comparison of the percentage of local leaves taken based on the leave entitlement and quantity taken for the past 3 years * Hints: * Local Leaves: From Date > = 01/01/2006, To Date < = 31/12/2006, Leaves = Local, Approved = True, Casual Employees = False * Taken: Days of Local Leaves taken * %: (Taken / Entitled) x 100