====== Leave Repartition by Age & Sex ====== * Leave Repartition by Age & Sex: Leaves analysis by age group and gender {{:shrm:procguide:socialaudit:absenteeism:absenteeism.jpg|}} The bar chart illustrates the leave repartition by male and female employees within the different age groups * Click on Leave Reparttion by Age & Sex button {{:shrm:procguide:socialaudit:absenteeism:leaverepartitionbyage.jpg|}} * Click on the company's name to drilldown {{:shrm:procguide:socialaudit:absenteeism:leaverepartitionbydeptageandsex.jpg|}} Here is the illustration by department * Hints: * Leave Repartition: From Date > = 01/01/2006, To Date < = 31/12/2006, Approved = True, Casual Employees = False