====== Absences & Overtime ====== {{:seam:userguide:process:manualentries:01a_absence_and_overtime.jpg|}} * **Step 1:** Click on Absences & Overtime. * **Step 2:** Select the scan date you wish to work with. * **Step 3:** Select the section you wish to work with. - //Minutes Absent:// Enter the correct number of minutes as applies for each Employee. - //Minutes Overtime:// Enter the correct number of minutes as applies for each Employee. * **Step 4:** Click on save button to save your entries. NB: - If the same data is applicable to all employees, right click on the minutes entered and select //Apply to all employees//. - In order for **SEAM** to update the database all manual entries must be imported.**[[seam:userguide:process:manualentries:absencesovertime:clickhere|Click Here]]** for details.