====== Organisation structure ====== This option is used only if Sicorax HRM is not linked to PMS module to import the employees and departments structure. The organization structure defines the different levels in the company’s structure. ---- ===== Add Organisation ===== {{:pms:administratorguide:organisationstructure:01_organisation_structure.jpg|}} * **Step 1:** Click on Organisation. * **Step 2:** Click on Add button. * **Step 3:** Enter relevant information. **Nb:** - //Parent:// leave blank if there is no sub organisation. - The mandatory fields are indicated by the ***** symbol. * **Step 4:** Click on Save button to save all entries. ===== Edit Organisation ===== {{:pms:administratorguide:organisationstructure:01a_organisation_structure.jpg|}} * **Step 1:** Click on Organisation. * **Step 2:** Select the Division Name to edit. * **Step 3:** Click on Edit button. * **Step 4:** Edit the organisation information. * **Step 5:** Click on Save button to save all changes. ===== Organisation Mapping ===== {{:pms:administratorguide:organisationstructure:01b_organisation_structure.jpg|}} * **Step 1:** Click on Organisation. * **Step 2:** Select the Division Name for mapping. * **Step 3:** Click on Mapping button. * **Step 4:** Click on the arrow to select the Filter type from the drop down list. * **Step 5:** Click on the arrow to select the department where employee's name for mapping is located. * **Step 6:** Select the employee/employees. * **Step 7:** Click on the arrow to proceed with the mapping. * **Step 8:** Click on the Save button to save all changes.